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5 Top Tips for Off the Page Advertising

Carr-&-Westley-Off-the-Page-Ad---Step-NeckOff the page advertising is a particular creative skill. Its primary aim is to generate direct sales but it can achieve much more. Overall a campaign should be running at a profit. And the names and addresses of buyers generated will become new recruits to your long term buyers database. Well designed, well planned campaigns will build your brand too.

As with any advertising there are numerous nuances and influences on off the page creative. Like the audience you are targeting, your competitors, how extensive your range of products is and whether you are in an offer led sector or not. How can you maintain brand values whilst selling directly?

Here are five key points to remember when reviewing your off the page advertising or creating your first off the page campaign.

Clarity of Offer
Don’t look to pack every offer you have into the space available. Look to be clear and precise about your offer.   Most off the page advertisements have a single product with a single offer. You want your audience to be interested instantly and understand the offer quickly. Otherwise they move on.
Imagine you are looking at your new advertisement for the first time. You are flicking through the paper. You don’t have long to secure someone’s interest and it is your offer that can generate a first impression.

Don’t be shy about asking for Response
There is no need to hide your request for response. In our experience it is better to include a coupon, particularly for the grey market. A coupon says instantly that the reader can buy now. Definitely include phone and web which they may use as their preferred response mechanism, but a coupon says you are expecting a response.

Measure and Analyse
..and then measure and analyse again. Your measurement should be ongoing for each advertisement and the overall campaign. Continually test new media and new products and creative. Look at which media are bringing in the most response but also which are bringing in the best customers. Often buyers of lower priced items or from your very best offers, do not become the best life time buyers. Yes you want to maximise sales and profit but remember you are looking to recruit new customers who will purchase from your catalogue or online.

Get a Media Health Check

Get a Media Health Check

Match the Media & the Audience
Buying the cheapest media won’t necessarily buy the best response. It seems simple, but often in the excitement of an unmissable media deal you forget you are not looking at targeting women reading the latest celebrity gossip but a 65 year old with a gentile lifestyle. Make sure you know who you want to reach and be sure each title you include is biased towards your target audience. Select key media and then have a wider selection where you may take up an offer or test your key product.

You can build a brand with off the page advertising
Yes you want every advertisement to work in its own right, but if you maintain your brand style, and advertise consistently, you can build a response brand with off the page advertising. A campaign can consist of a number of products over a season. Key products that illustrate your complete range. Maintain your style and switch the products across your chosen media. That way you won’t get “wear out” and your target audience will see you consistently in their media.

At the same time you can sell product, and make a profit too!




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